Recette Savoureux Mugcake Nutella Cookies
Mugcake Nutella Cookies. Want something sweet but not bothered to bake? This is the right recipe to try! No fancy baking equipment or utensils needed - just ingredients you can find.
My Nutella mug cake dessert is perfect for after-school snack time, great for sleepovers, and ready any time you want to indulge yourself. Don't take my word for it, make it and taste for yourself. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but this is my favorite mug. Comment le faire aussi assez facile, amis pourrait cuisiner Mugcake Nutella Cookies juste en utilisant 9 matériaux et 3 juste des étapes. Voici les ingrédients et comment cuire, essayons la recette Mugcake Nutella Cookies!
Ingrédients Mugcake Nutella Cookies
- Utiliser 4 cs of farine.
- Utiliser 1 cs of cacao non sucré.
- Fournir 2 cs of sucre en poudre.
- Fournir 1 of oeuf.
- Obligatoire 45 g of beurre fondu.
- Fournir 3 cs of lait.
- Préparer 1 cc of levure chimique.
- Besoin 100 g of Nutella.
- Obligatoire of Cookies.
My theme for this weekend was to simplify. I've been making a lot of cookies that require only three or four ingredients lately. Ensuite, mélanger les ingrédients secs dans un petit saladier: la farine, la levure, le cacao, le sucre. When you're in the mood for something a little sinful (and there are no goodies in sight), you.
Comment faire Mugcake Nutella Cookies
- Tout d’abord, il vous faudra beurrer les 2 mug. Ensuite, mélanger les ingrédients secs dans un petit saladier : la farine,la levure, le cacao, le sucre, puis ajouter l’oeuf, le lait, le beurre et la pâte à tartiner..
- Mélangez bien, la pâte doit être lisse. Verser la préparation dans les 2 tasses, puis cuire 1 min 30 à 650W..
- Laisser refroidir, saupoudrer de cookies et déguster.
This Nutella Mug Cake is incredibly easy to make with only a few simple ingredients and "baked" right in the microwave. A Nutella Chocolate Mug Cake with gooey pockets of Nutella, made in the microwave. And THIS Nutella Chocolate Mug Cake is the perfect way to celebrate a new year! But this mug cake avoids the pitfalls of the overly-gummy microwave cake by doing things a little differently. Top with additional Nutella if feeling indulgent!
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